Prof. Daniel Mireku-Gyimah

Subjects Taught:

  • Mine Equipment and Machinery
  • Mine Finance and Economic Evaluation
  • Operations Research in Mining
  • Mine Design and Planning
  • Mineral Reserve Estimation
  1. DSc (Honoris causa)
  2. PhD, (Computer-Aided Mine Design & Planning)
  3. DIC, (Mine Design & Planning)
  4. MSc, (Mining Engineering)
Professional Bodies
  • 2016–Date
    FGA, Fellow, Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • 2005–Date
    FGhIE, Fellow, Ghana Institution of Engineers
  • 1990–Date
    MGhIG, Member, Ghana Institution of Geoscience
  • 1996–Date
    MNYAS, Member, New York Academy of Science
  • 1988–Date
    CEng, Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council, UK
  • 1987–Date
    MIMM, Member, Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy, UK
  • 1986–Date
    MSME, Member, American Soc. of Min. Engineers, USA
  • 1984–Date
    MMMPSG, Member, Min., Met. and Pet. Soc. of Ghana

Mineral Reserve Estimation, Mine Design and Planning, Mine Feasibility Studies, Operations Research, Environmental Coorporate Social Responsibility Management