MSC/MPhil Courses

Course Name Hours
Introduction to Computer Applications 1
Introduction to Mining Engineering 1
Research Methods 1
Applied Rock Mechanics 1
Principles of Mine Planning and Design 1
Time Value of Money and Financial Analysis 1
Environmental Engineering in Mining 1
Operations Research 3
Statistical Models 3
Environmental Management 3
Postgraduate Seminar 3
Data Mining and Advanced Analysis 3
Mine Management 3
Rock Mechanics Option
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation 3
Field/Laboratory Work 3
Rock Dynamics 3
Surface Excavation Design and Analysis 3
Foundation Design and Analysis 3
Rock and Soil Slope Engineering 3
Underground Support Design 3
Rock Mass Characterisation 3
Underground Excavation Design and Analysis 3
Mine Water Management 3
Mine Planning and Design Option
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation 3
Field/Laboratory Work 3
Principles of Mine Planning and Design 3
Production Schedule and Strategic Mine Planning 3
Surface and Underground Fleet Management and Control 3
Physical Pit Design and Optimisation 3
Geological Block Modelling 3
Underground Mine Planning, Design and Optimisation 3
Surface Mine Planning, Design and Optimisation 3
Ore Estimation, Reserve Statement and Grade Control 3
Explosive and Blasting Technology Option
Field/Laboratory Work 3
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation 3
Tunnelling and Underground Construction 3
Mining and Explosive Laws 3
Explosive Manufacture and Material Properties 3
Surface and Underground Computer-Aided Blast Design 3
Monitoring and Controlling Environmental Impact of Blasting 3
Advanced Drilling Technology 3
Special Blasting 3
Underground Excavation Design and Analysis 3
Mine Machinery and Mechanisation Option
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation 3
Field/Laboratory Work 3
Mechatronics 3
Materials Handling 3
Mining Machinery and Design 3
Mineral Processing Equipment 3
Machinery Automation and Control 3
Mine Mechanisation 3
Mine Health, Safety and Environment Option
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation 3
Field/Laboratory Work 3
Occupational Health and Safety Management 3
Emergency Preparedness, Mine Rescue, and Fire Prevention 3
Accident Prevention, Hazards and Control System 3
Mine Environmental Sustainability 3
Environmental Monitoring and Modelling 3
Environmental Assessment and Audit 3
Occupational Hygiene and Mine Industrial Ergonomics 3
Subsurface Mine Climate and Ventilation 3
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation Option
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation 3
Field/Laboratory Work 3
Mineral Economics 3
Estimation of Revenue and Costs 3
Capital Allowance and Mine Taxation 3
Cash Flow Analysis 3
Sensitivity and Risk Analysis 3
Investment Decision Analysis 3
Real Options Application to Mine Valuation 3
Liability and Capital Structure 3
Mineral Resources Management Option
Mine Economic and Financial Evaluation 3
Field/Laboratory Work 3
Mineral Deposits 3
Computer Applications in Minerals Exploration 3
Accounting and Financial Reporting 3
Operations and Project Management 3
Mineral Resources Estimation 3
Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility 3
Mineral Exploration 3
Modules Taken Either Semesters
MSc Thesis 21
MPhil Thesis 30
MSc/MPhil Seminar 3
Depending on the option a candidate opts for, five (5) compulsory core modules shall be offered in the second semester.
* Preparatory Module
** Pre-requisite Module for Non-Mining Engineers.